Nationwide, The Philippines is home to thousands of homeless children and destitute women who need a place to call home.

Our Aim & Mission


Shekinah Sanctuary is designed to providing a stable, Christ – Centered, family environment for the underprivileged children around the globe.


Establishing deep rooted values into the hearts of all who call ‘Shekinah Sanctuary’ their home; with the aid of work oriented education, coupled with a balanced appreciation for nature and its valuable lessons


Focused to create a home in which the less fortunate may realize how precious they are by helping them to build a solid relationship with the society and their Heavenly father.


The goal of Shekinah Sanctuary is to provide for the well-being of children, orphaned/abandoned in Philippines. This has been identified the need of the hour thus design and implement programs to support children to be socially and financially self-sustaining.


To mould and fashion the character, life style and talents of all the children placed in our care, to develop sophisticated and noble citizens for a stronger world.


Creation of an orphanage/sanctuary for some of the young souls who have come upon hard times. This orphanage is a beautiful place where they will receive not only food and shelter, but also an education and training to help them become productive members of society. Further, they will receive guidance, support and love, empowering and uplifting them rather than to fall victim to feelings of worthlessness.

Rescue, Rehabilitate and Empower

By our Director, Laurazelle Stephenson

I am very grateful and honoured that The Shekinah Foundation has completed ten years of faith-based ministry. It has not been easy since my husband and I decided to embark on this project for children and women. There have been several ups and downs but we stand as a true miracle story that God does indeed pour out a blessing that there is not room enough to accommodate.. Apart from the earthquake and typhoon Haiyan, we have had several other challenges but all those trials have proven that we are too positive to be doubtful, too optimistic to be fearful and too determined to be defeated.

Yes, we have a dream! A dream to touch lives and change lives! By caring for the needs of children, providing for their wellbeing, their future to build a better society. It was a dream-come-true moment when Jovie graduated with a major in accountancy.

A dream-come-true moment when several of our children accepted the Lord in baptism. A dream-come-true moment as I witness the smiles of these children and women in my care.  In the last five years we had many such dream-come-true moments. This brochure is a glimpse of what the Shekinah Foundation has accomplished over the last five years.

I am no stranger to abuse. Having been a victim of child abuse, I know the agony that one goes through as a result of abuse. I am passionate to care, protect and empower the helpless, shattered and broken lives that come into my care. I am passionate about the Lord and His mission which keeps me going forward come what may, for it’s the love of Christ that compels us. 2 Cor 5:14.

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter”.  This really sums up the reason why Shekinah Foundation has come into existence. We, as a team, dare to dream and envision a better future for the children and women who are entrusted to Shekinah Foundation. Our plans are outlined in this brochure for you to take a closer look to see the big picture that we have for Shekinah Foundation

Laurazelle Stephenson
Director, Shekinah  Foundation

“Working hand in hand with the Community”

The vision of Shekinah Foundation is to establish a place where two hundred children and women can be cared for.
To build 20 houses. Each house would comfortably accommodate 12 people; 10 orphaned children and 2 missionary parents.


A minimum of five hectares of land. Seven acres are infrastructure and other needs. While three acres will be used for farming.  

1. The Sanctuary (Church)
A place of worship for all people. Shekinah valley will have a place of worship. Worship not only for the weekend but everyday. A seating capacity of 400 people.

2. The Admin Building & School Buildings
Administrative Building: A building designed to have eight offices, a restroom for men and women each, a medical care centre, three guest rooms, conference hall, etc.
School: Shekinah Valley is designed to have a school that provides Christian education. The school will be a source of education for the children living in the orphanage as well as open to the public.  The school will have high quality education as well as high quality infrastructure. The income from the school will be sufficient to run the whole orphanage.

3.Head Teacher’s Homestead

4-9. General Staff Homestead
designed to have seven faculty houses and four staff houses. This will be for families who volunteer to serve the children in various capacities. 

10. Farm Supervisor’s Family Homestead

11. Women’s Chaplain Family Homestead


12-19. Destitute Women’s Homesteads

20. Orphanage Chaplain’s Family Homestead

21–32. Orphanage Family Homesteads

33. Action Cricket Quad & Basketball Court

34. Private Parking Area

35. Public Parking Area

36. Public Parking Area

37. Crop Farm Land – Manna Fields
 Three acres is used for farming.  

38. Farm Livestock – Manna Fields
 At least 20 to 30 cows and goats needed in the farm house. There can also be some chickens, ducks, etc.

39. Family BBQ & Rest Area

40. Prayer Garden (Redemption Theme Park) Open to the public as well.

The Shekinah Foundation aims to provide:

Full Education

Full Education from Kindergarten through to College & Skilled Labour Certification

A Permanent Home

The Orphanage provides a permanent home to orphaned and abandoned children.

Destitute Women’s Help

Destitute Women’s Home providing alternative living solutions, skills, training & rehabilitation for women who were involved in substance abuse & prostitution.

The Learning Centre

The Shekinah Learning Centre is a 4 storey establishment. 

Ground Floor: Kindergarten
1st floor: Elementary
2nd Floor: High School
3rd Floor: Skills Training & Community College
4th Floor: English Institute & Communication Training.

The Manna Fields

This fully functioning farm provides the Sanctuary with home grown produce and livestock.

i.e. cows for milk & dairy products, chickens for eggs & farm related produce. 

This would promote health and natural living as well as create jobs for the community. 

The Sanctuary & Prayer Garden

The Church is a tent-like structure comprised of two compartments. The larger of the two compartments would host pews to seat 300 people facing forward to the second compartment which would comprise of the stage, pulpit, screen & projector, rear seated choir and sound system.

A Christian Redemption Theme Meditation & Prayer Garden will be made surrounding the church structure for public & private use.

Other Opportunities

  • The Shekinah Valley project open ways for immense job opportunities. There will be lots of jobs available.
    Teachers, Administrators, farmers, and various non-career oriented jobs. The simple and humble people seeking for some job can be helped when they serve in Shekinah Sanctuary.

Please contact us if you are interested in any roles.

  • Every house built for children needs a couple to take care of the children. They will be the foster parents of the children. We often recruit retirees who are not involved in any particular work. If there are parents abandoned by children, this will be a home for them and children will love them as their own parents.

Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a foster parent.

  • The most outstanding feature will be the Old Age Home and the Destitute Home that will be a part of Shekinah Sanctuary!